This To That // Patchwork Chair

Patchwork Chair

(Image taken from Design-Fair.)

One style that I’ve come across in Greece that everyone loves is patch work. Bags, clothing, couches – you name it, they love it.
My aunt owns a textile shop and she has tons of binders with sample fabrics that have no use. She gave me some binders and her permission to do anything I wanted with them.

Patchwork Chair

When we were organizing the balcony, we came across a bunch of wooden fold out chairs with crappy mesh-like fabric for seating and a strip on the back of the chair that advertised Heineken. They’re ugly, so I asked if I could try a strip of patchwork to replace the back.

Patchwork Chair

I took it off and used my seam ripper to take it apart to lay out the whole width. I gathered fabrics and cut them to a similar height as the original, and just sewed a bunch together in a horizontal fashion.

Patchwork Chair

It took a few days for me to do since I had to sew by hand – no access to a machine. The end result is pretty, and I’m considering tackling the other chairs slowly. Unfortunately the seating is attached to the chair so I don’t feel comfortable fiddling with that. I may just sew on top of the seating. Just an idea.

Patchwork Chair

Patchwork is pretty. You got to Google some patchwork sofas. There’s plenty of Pinterest boards with patchwork if you want to take a look. I want to make some patchwork things when I get back home. I have so much fabric that I don’t know what to do with.

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