Baked Quinoa Enchilada

Baked Quinoa Enchilada Recipe

I apologize for my lack of food photography skills, but here is one recipe I can’t NOT share. It’s healthy, easy to cook, and boy oh boy it is delish.

My mom brought home this recipe oneday in which we revised it to fit our likes and dislikes and it was just perfect the way it came out. Here is our variation of the ingredients, measurements, and the directions!

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Homemade Banana Ice Cream

Homemade Banana Ice Cream

So I’ve been coming across a whole lot of one-ingredient and two-ingredient recipes that seem pretty awesome. One that really stood out was turning straight up bananas into ice cream. I know, it sounds cray cray!
I was curious as to how it would work, so I tried it myself.

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Spritz Alphabet

Cookie Alphabet

I’ve always been into fonts. I loved drawing them out by hand, copying band logos, creating my own, browsing through endless supply of fonts on da font, etc.
I’m currently taking a couple of basic graphic design classes, and typography obviously plays a large role in graphic design. I’m all for learning professional ways to incorporate type into designs.

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