Hi. Hello! How are you all? Welcome back to another installment of Tarot-To-Go! It’s been awhile since I’ve bombarded your eyeballs with cards and tried to decode our future in an attempt to navigate this crazy thing called life as a human being. What a crazy whirlwind it’s been since our last update — how’s everyone hanging in? A bit frazzled? Yeah, I thought that might be the case…
Since the world’s a bit upside down right now, Maria and I thought April 1st would be the perfect time to snap back into the swing of it here on Oddball Era. With the both of us locked down in quarantine, we’ve got a lot of time on our hands to sit around and worry. I bet you can relate. To channel that energy into more positive ventures, I’ve decided to try and dedicate this period to growing my magical practice, especially my tarot skills. Plus, I think we can all use a little clarity right about now!
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