Two weeks ago, my parents popped over for a visit. My dad, before they left, told me he wanted a thin long pillow for his neck. I’ve made him one before, but my younger brother took it and claimed it as his. Since then, all the men in my family praised how much they loved the thin tube pillow for their necks. Maybe it’s a guy thing, I don’t know. But my dad wanted another one.
Pillows are a fast fix for me, so it wasn’t a problem.
I started with the ends, cutting equal circles. I decorated them with extra fabric, different colored zig zag stitching, strips of shoelaces, and buttons.
For the body, I wasn’t quite sure which fabric to use, so I winged it. I found that this multi neutral brown fabric was the biggest piece which was enough to use as the base. I sewed other pieces on top.
I measured the radius of the end pieces and matched it with the big pieces. I sewed everything together and left a little slot open to turn the pillow inside-out and stuff it.
Towards the end, I was excited to use up whatever stuffing I had leftover, but I unfortunately didn’t have enough. I had to pick up more stuffing, which wasn’t a big deal. But I was SO close to pulling it off without having to purchase anything. It’s always a success when I don’t have to buy anything extra for projects. Oh well.
It turned out a success, so I can’t complain.
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