In honor of 2017 and all of its freshness, I thought now would be the ideal time to roll out a spread covering the entire year. Let’s jump right in, shall we?
January 2017
January is all about NEW BEGINNINGS. The past is in the past — leave it there! This card is calling you to step into the future by closing the door on 2016, leaving with it everything you don’t want as part of your clean slate. You have the power to manifest your own world and now’s your chance to craft the life you want! Time to step out of the dream world and bring it into reality — you have the power to do so and the energy is on your side.
February 2017
February will activate our SACRAL CHAKRAS, which will fuel our emotions, creativity, and all of our passions — including sex. If you’re in a relationship, you can expect more frisky times with your partner but also deeper emotional understanding and connectivity. For those of us still riding the single train, it’s time to turn that extra boost of love on yourself! Practicing self-care will set you up for a smooth 2017 but ignore your own needs and the rest of the year will be an uphill battle for you.
March 2017
TEMPTATION will rear it’s hard-to-resist head in March to try and sway us from our progress. Many of us will feel a loss of steam on our New Years Resolutions, or perhaps we’ll be tempted to cheat on partners, or make other choices that has the potential to cause damage — power through this feeling by focusing on that which you really, truly want. Remember: temptation is temporary but the consequences of our reactions to it can have lasting effects.
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