Tarot To-Go // October 30 – November 5

Guest post written by Victoria

Astrologically speaking, there’s a lot happening; with Halloween tomorrow, a lot of aspects and planetary shifts are converging into one L.A. style gridlock of energies. Mercury, the planet of communication, is headed out of transformation and destruction loving Scorpio and into truth seeking Sagittarius. Change is often the product of the revelation of great honesty, so Sag’s blunt nature means a lot of us could have some grand, sweeping changes come crashing through the skylight of our lives. The challenge is to channel our inner Teddy Roosevelt to “speak softly and carry a big stick.” This is a time to not only share stories but to listen to the other stories around us. Really listen – – and learn. Just because two people see things from two different perspectives doesn’t mean either of those perspectives are invalid. Your experience of the world is just that – – yours. Nobody is going to have the same one.

On top of this, Mercury enters the shadow phase as it prepares to go retrograde on November 16th – – the same day that lovely Venus goes direct. She went retrograde on October 5th – – something that happens every eighteen months for this planet – – making this a good time to S L O W down and take an introspective inventory. What do you need? What aren’t you getting? What kinds of compromises are you willing to make regarding your relationships and passions? How can we contribute to better communication in our lives?

At the same time, we’re dealing with a waning moon, AKA it’s getting smaller in the sky. While the moon shrinks, it’s the best time to work magic that’s centered around clearing and cleaning. Smudging your home by burning sage or palo santo is a good idea. Cleaning out that closet and donating old clothes or pantry items is another one. Now is the time to discard all that we don’t need or want to take with us into the next chapter of our lives that will begin with the New Moon on November 7th. Even getting out and VOTING the day before can be a magical, cleansing ritual that allows us an opportunity to purge the leaders that are no longer serving our highest good. It’s also a fabulous time for cutting ties with toxic people or environments or to just simply mop the floors and dust the shelves.

We’re still in Scorpio season until 11/22, though, so we can expect the transformations afoot to be conceived through chaos. While the lunar energy is ripe for clearing away that which no longer serves us, it’s helpful to know what it is we actually want, lest we get overzealous with the pruning shears. With all of this in mind, I’ve crafted a Tarot To-Go spread that will hopefully serve as a guide to help us refocus on what we need so that we may be more confident in hacking away what we don’t.

What’s Trying to Get In?

Have you been having some intense dreams that feel real? Have any psychic feelings like you know something is going to happen? Maybe some omens or repeating numbers and other patterns are cropping up left and right? It seems many of us are being plagued by VISIONS we aren’t giving attention to. Instead of ignoring these messages when they appear, or brushing off our magic as mere coincidence, take the time to question what’s happening around you. What were you doing before seeing your omen? What were you thinking of? How does your prophecy or dream make you feel? Dig in and reflect. The answers are inside you.

What Needs More Attention?

I’m starting to sound like a broken record with these readings but once again what we need to focus more on is our own self journey. Just like with Dante’s descent through the layers of Hell, or the Celtic tales of IMRAMMA, we all must confront the darkness of the world. We gotta look the icky, sticky parts of ourselves in the face and integrate them into our lives with purpose. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes. We all hurt others. We all have evil within us – – yes, that’s right! All. Of. Us. It’s easy to villainize. It’s easy to say that Trump is the Devil or Colin Kaepernick or whoever the current reason-the-world-is-going-to-shit is. Whether these people are doing “good” things in the world or not is irrelevant. What matters is OUR journey. How do WE contribute to the ugly in the world because we are reacting to our own human suffering? Look at yourself in the mirror with honesty and compassion for the parts you aren’t proud of and see how you can improve not only your own life but the world as a whole.

What Needs to be Budgeted Better?

It’s a good time to analyze our FREEDOMS. Where are we (or our fellow humans) being oppressed? How do we contribute to it and what can we do to change it? How do we spend our free time – – do we recharge ourselves or overspend our energies? What about our financial freedom? Are we not giving ourselves enough room to play with our tight budgets? Alternatively, are we being too frivolous with our splurges? Both of these practices hinder our monetary freedoms. See where you can tighten or loosen the bondages in your life to allow for your own (and other’s!) liberation.

What Do We Need More Of?

While you’re figuring stuff out, you’re gonna need some AIR. Maybe that means you need to take some time to breathe and meditate. Maybe you need to set some firm, healthy boundaries and make space for your needs in life. Maybe you just need to get outside for ten minutes. Ask yourself where you require some air and commit to getting it.

Spirit Guide Advice Cards

Where do you feel safe? Where are you most comfortable to process this crazy little thing called life? Spirit wants us to remember this place when shit hits the fan. Spend time in your SANCTUARY — whether it’s a physical location or with people – – and it will be far easier to drown out the voices trying to steer you in their direction so you can focus on your own path instead.

The final message this week is a reminder that it’s okay to do nothing sometimes. It’s okay to be ADRIFT in the river of life and let the current bring you to your next shore. The trick is to not get stuck drifting. I’ve used this analogy before but it remains true – – sometimes we waste energy to a detriment by putting effort in the wrong direction. Imagine being lost at sea after a shipwreck. If you use all your energy paddling to an island in the distance then you won’t have the strength to build shelter or find food, seek help. However, if the wave is dragging you towards sand, maybe let IT do the work – – just be mindful not to let the tide take you farther away from land. If you catch yourself drifting too far then it’s up to you to use every tool in your kit to change the tides.

The ultimate lesson for the next couple of weeks will be learning how to use the chaos and transformation we are experiencing as clues to the truth. We have to see the forest for the trees and not as an unconquerable monster. There’s going to be a lot of changes – – don’t fear them. Lean into them instead and let your new life reveal itself to you like a phoenix rising from the ashes. See you on the other side, Oddballs.


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