Tarot To-Go // November 07 – November 13

Guest post written by Victoria

I can’t speak for everyone, but last week’s spread was scarily accurate for myself and a good portion of my social circle. This week’s reading, however, has me a little spooked with the looming Presidential Election. Tense energies abound! Let’s hop in, shall we?

Monday 11/7

Monday starts us off with a lot of HOPE in regards to whatever aspects of your life center around power and authority. I think this speaks to the election on Tuesday — a lot of us are filled with hope for the outcome we want. With the moon in Aquarius, it’s a good time to focus your thoughts on long term goals and aspirations, or for finding (or even becoming) a mentor in some way.

Tuesday 11/8

Up for inspection on Tuesday are the inconsistencies of our lives and where they limit us in terms of freedom. What needs to be realigned in your life and in our collective lives? As the votes come in, remember that PATIENCE is truly the only muscle that we need to focus on exercising when the path ahead is uncertain.

Wednesday 11/9

Wednesday, the moon scoots on over into Pisces, making it a good time to work around any interesting dreams you’ve been having, or for seeking divine guidance. It’s also a great day for spiritual cleansing to hone in on your INTUITION. A real sense of duality will be staring us in the face as the dust settles from the election. To focus on creating partnerships out of our opponents is a wise choice when our back is against the wall.

Thursday 11/10

Thursday is my favorite day of the week with this spread — THE ROOT CHAKRA is the center of what we have, our safety nets, our foundations. Thursday ushers in a wave of new beginnings as we find the courage and willpower within ourselves to build what we want from this fresh slate.

Friday 11/11

THE WAITING GAME is what we’ll be playing Friday. The moon in Aries asks us to reflect on our physical strength and personal power — what stands in the way of them? What choices have you made that have balanced (or unbalanced) you? When this card is pulled, the Universe is asking you to spend some time evaluating where you are and determining your steps or direction when you need to — there is no rush.

Saturday 11/12

As we head into the weekend, your reflections should give you some idea regarding where it is in your life that needs a little flexing. To advance yourself forward and expand towards your higher self with enthusiasm, some old patterns and habits need to be let go. This is generally about self SACRIFICE — any habits you’ve been meaning to cut out? Saturday makes a great day to start.

Sunday 11/13

Rounding off our week, we’ve got TEMPTATION rearing it’s head again. In the traditional deck, this is The Devil card. Again, this refers to the self — we are all constantly having to find a middle ground between our ego and our spirit. Which one wins more often? It’ll be a good day for considering your next steps in any plans you’re working on, or for getting creative in the kitchen.

That’s it for this week! As always, let us know in the comments how the stars and planets are treating you. And don’t forget to check back next week for another Tarot To-Go!


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