Tarot To-Go // Full Moon in Virgo!

Guest post written by Victoria

Happy Full Moon in Virgo! This lunar energy is a great time to check in with myself and see what lurks beneath the surface of my consciousness. For this week’s Tarot-To-Go, I used a spread that I found in Ethony’s 2017 Full Moon Tarot Guide which can be found alongside a treasure trove of other tricks and tips on her website, www.ethony.com! Her Instagram account is worth following — I learn something new everyday!

Let’s get started!

Card #1 — What baggage needs to stay behind?

This Full Moon has asked me to give up the need to CHOOSE WISELY all the time. I’ve spent so much of my life overthinking and overweighing my options to the point of anxiety, oftentimes paralyzing myself with doubt; think about any choice for too long and you’ll find problems with the options. To be challenged to surrender my need to make the right choice is to be asked to surrender my need for control. Can’t I roll with the waves of life? Analyzing the imagery, we can see a man sitting on a dock with his palms open in meditation. As a new student of Zen Buddhism, meditation is one of my core spiritual practices. The Universe is reminding me that I’m only one step in the right direction and to feel that freedom — like the pair of birds in the top right corner — I need to stop trying to do it RIGHT. Because those hands in the picture? They sure point in a lot of directions but they all lead to the sea. No matter what I choose on my journey, I will always end up where I needed to be. Time to lift up my fins and float down the river for a spell!

Card #2 — How can I relieve my critical energy leaks this Full Moon?

The traditional tarot archetype for this card is Death because a true TRANSFORMATION is the end of an old pattern, the killing of what’s no longer of use to you. This month, I’m being called to release my old, limiting beliefs and behaviors in order to relieve the areas where my magic tends to get stuck. What needs to die in order for my clean slate to be revealed? A few come to mind: the muting of my own voice in order to be well liked is a good one; the need to be right is another; putting all my happiness eggs in the basket of whatever romantic endeavor I’m involved in as a source of convenience worry is probably the biggest challenge for me. This Full Moon, my homework is to ensure all of those habits end up in the trash.

Card #3 — What health and wellness areas need my attention?

For the next twenty-nine and a half days, the energy is about grounding oneself. Virgo is an Earth sign and a focussing in on my earthly vehicle is literally in the cards. It seems I might have to face some OBSTACLES & CHALLENGES in regards to my physical health and wellness. The card shows a pair of feet being led by beautiful balls of light and fairies down a path but it’s broken — nothing but a vast expanse and water below. This card is reminding me that though I may face struggles this month, I must remember that my spirit guides are always with me and that there is nothing wrong with taking time before making another step. Judgements for how the obstacles came about are not needed. All that is required of me is to pause, breathe, analyze the situation, and move on.

Card #4 — What parts of my life needs reorganization?

A Full Moon in Virgo is a great time to work on cleaning and organizing your work and home environments, analyzing your achievements, catching up on errands or bills, and taking care of your body (with emphasis on detoxing your digestive system — this is the place where we store our oldest and hardest to cleanse wounds! Let that shit gooo)! THE BASE CHAKRA refers to that which we have, our foundations, which makes total sense for this Virgo energy in my life currently. Literally, my car needs to be organized. As a nomad who lives out of her Kia, my vehicle is the epitome of my material foundations and to live in clutter is to keep my mind in the same state. Figuratively, I have a stack of bills I’ve been putting off and I haven’t been too keen on my health and my bowels have suffered the consequences.

Card #5 — What’s on the To-Do List this Full Moon?

My connection to the divine through my CROWN CHAKRA is what I need to work on this lunar cycle. Sitting at the top of our heads is the “thousand petaled lotus flower” that represents the point where the physical (our bodies) meet the non-physical (our souls). This chakra is strengthened through more mindful practices such as meditation and yoga. The Crown acts as an antenna for waves of energy from source; it is said that to be aligned and tapped into source is to be able to make whatever you want happen. True magic lies within this practice — though it ain’t easy!

I hope this installment of Tarot-To-Go has left you feeling a little more enlightened. I’ve said it a hundred million times before and will probably say it a hundred million times more — tarot is a great tool for self examination and introspection. Only you really know what the cards are trying to tell you! Try this spread for yourself at home and leave a comment to let us know how you did! And check back next week to see what’s in the cards and the stars.


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