Tarot To-Go // 2017 Month By Month

Guest post written by Victoria

In honor of 2017 and all of its freshness, I thought now would be the ideal time to roll out a spread covering the entire year. Let’s jump right in, shall we?

January 2017

January is all about NEW BEGINNINGS. The past is in the past — leave it there! This card is calling you to step into the future by closing the door on 2016, leaving with it everything you don’t want as part of your clean slate. You have the power to manifest your own world and now’s your chance to craft the life you want! Time to step out of the dream world and bring it into reality — you have the power to do so and the energy is on your side.

February 2017

February will activate our SACRAL CHAKRAS, which will fuel our emotions, creativity, and all of our passions — including sex. If you’re in a relationship, you can expect more frisky times with your partner but also deeper emotional understanding and connectivity. For those of us still riding the single train, it’s time to turn that extra boost of love on yourself! Practicing self-care will set you up for a smooth 2017 but ignore your own needs and the rest of the year will be an uphill battle for you.

March 2017

TEMPTATION will rear it’s hard-to-resist head in March to try and sway us from our progress. Many of us will feel a loss of steam on our New Years Resolutions, or perhaps we’ll be tempted to cheat on partners, or make other choices that has the potential to cause damage — power through this feeling by focusing on that which you really, truly want. Remember: temptation is temporary but the consequences of our reactions to it can have lasting effects.

April 2017

We can expect to see some fruits of our labors in April as PROSPERITY BEGINS. If we lay the groundwork during the first quarter of the year, results will start to trickle in as the Spring takes hold. Keep in mind that it takes a long time for a strong tree to grow its roots; the payoff of your hard work will be small at first but if you keep at it, eventually you will see that you have everything you need to succeed.

May 2017

In May, the need to focus on our CROWN CHAKRA will be strong. Many of us might feel a pull towards religious or spiritual pursuits because the crown connects us to The Great Spirit — that which exists both within and without us. This will be a good time to connect deeply with our inner selves and check in with how we are progressing on our journey — are we where we want to be? We might also receive bursts of inspiration that feel like they’re coming straight from The Divine! Use it to your advantage when this happens — this isn’t the sort of gift you want to be wasting!

June 2017

We’ll play THE WAITING GAME throughout the month of June. As humans, we have a tendency to dislike waiting. Sure, it feels like a drag but it is a necessary component for manifesting our desires. It’s kind of like eating out at a restaurant where you place your order with the server and wait for the kitchen to finish cooking up your meal — you don’t barge into the back-of-house and demand to watch while the chefs do their magic, do you? This card is reminding us to look at the Universe the same way. Trust that you’ve done the work and allow yourself to receive your spoils. Relax — it’s only life!

July 2017

July is all about BALANCE — one of the greatest challenges of life. My sister often uses a quote about how life is just a dance between remembering and forgetting and I think it applies here, too. This card is coming up as a reminder to evenly distribute our energy and attentions to all areas of our lives. Have you been focusing so hard on one facet that you’ve completely neglected another? Remember that which requires more love and forget that which is not as important to you at this moment.

August 2017

The long Summer days of August will fire up our SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRAS, our powerhouse for strength and vitality and the center from which we build confidence. Many of us will be experiencing great boons to our self-esteem — use this extra burst of willpower to make great advancements on your dreams and journey!

September 2017

September will have us TRAPPED IN FEAR. But where does this fear come from, really? Ourselves. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “we have nothing to fear but fear itself,” during his first inauguration speech and it’s true — almost every time we give in to feeling scared we find that the fear itself was worse than the actual thing we were so frightened of to begin with. Get out of your head and free yourself!

October 2017

October brings OBSTACLES AND CHALLENGES to our path. What stands out to me in the artwork of this card is the eagle beneath the foot on this broken walkway, suggesting that while we may perceive these blocks as negative, they are actually put in our way to help us soar higher than we could have without them. There is a reason obstacles get in our way — use this time to determine if the direction you’ve been heading in is one you want to continue. If not, there’s always time to course correct but if so, use what’s standing in your way to propel you forward.

November 2017

November is the month where we will be called to speak our truth, as represented by the THROAT CHAKRA. Is there something you’ve been needing to say? Is there information you’ve been missing? Perhaps you have something inside you that’s begging to be written or expressed in some other creative form? Let it loose unto the world — this card is letting you know that your truth is needed for the good of the collective.

December 2017

Rounding out the year, we’ll find our INTUITION will be heightened during the month of December. That’s the core of spirituality to me — that we already have all the answers for how to survive this lifetime. It’s written into our souls and DNA! But society tends to teach this out of us as we grow into adults. This card is asking us to trust ourselves, trust that we know what’s best, trust that when we follow that little voice inside of us we will end up exactly where we have always needed to be.

2017 is shaping up to be incredibly powerful, gang! Remember, speaking in terms of numerology, this year adds up to a one (2+0+1+7 = 10 and 1+0 = 1), which means it is the foundation upon which we shall build the next nine year cycle — and it’s represented in the stars, too! The astrological energy right now is ripe with planets coming out of retrograde, urging us to move forward into the future. In fact, this kind of sky hasn’t been seen since 2010! I’m hoping it treats you all really well and that you harness this power to achieve your dreams. Don’t forget — the future is always uncertain and every choice you make can change the outcome. Most importantly, if you don’t do the work on your end — physically, spiritually, mentally — this reading can’t ever be an accurate one for knowledge is nothing without action.

Happy New Year!


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