Why I Quit Coconut Oil
As I still praise all the good things coconut oil has done for me over the years, I’ve decided to take a break.
My coconut oil downfall began near the beginning of my trip to Greece. Instead of packing my half empty jar, I decided to transfer the remaining oil to another container. I need to point out that it was solid before and after I left. With the heat rolling in about two weeks after I arrived, boy oh boy did all hell break loose. If you don’t know, coconut oil stays solid in temperatures under 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Greece started to reach the 80s and 90s which is when my oil melted. And when I say melted, it reached maximum liquid consistency, and the mess was unbearable. I thought I packed it in a decent container, but it became nothing but trouble for me. Seriously, oil was everywhere. I couldn’t stuff it in the fridge because I stayed with family – besides not wanting to explain what it is, their fridges are small with absolutely no room for even a small container like what I had.
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