Why I Strike
Every day that passes, I get more and more frustrated with what’s going on out in the world. The women’s strike was last week and as you could imagine, there was backlash and condescending questioning of what the point was and if anything was actually accomplished.
Growing up, it was me and my two brothers. I grew up with parent’s who were old fashioned in the sense where women stay at home and men go out and work. I was raised to be the “girl of the house” helping my mom with chores while my brothers played their video games. Being in a house with brothers, I made it very clear that it’s all or none of us that will do the chores, and I fought against the double standard up until I moved out.
My parents lightened up when I left for college, but their old school mindset and traditional ways got the best of them sometimes. My dad told me recently that he raised me like that so I can grow up to be a “tough cookie”. I can’t tell if he was sincere or if he was making up excuses. Whatever the case, I was surrounded by the double standard, and fought tooth and nail to be acknowledged as an equal.
Since I was five, I’ve been conscious of double standards and sexism, and while my stories and memories are nothing compared to what other women have dealt with, I still fight for equality and against the double standard. Things need to change, and everyone who speaks up can make a difference.
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