80’s Fashion In Films

Over a year ago, I wrote up a post about my top three favorites featuring 90’s fashion in movies. Can’t believe it’s taken me over a year to write a follow up, but I did it.

If you asked me what my favorite era is for fashion and style, hands down, 90’s is number one. If you asked my second, hands down, 80’s for sure. I love the bright colors, tacky nature, and Memphis design. The music is memorable, the movies are classics, and it’s an era that we keep revisiting to gather inspiration. It was such a ‘one of a kind’ period and it’s full of a plethora of amazing things.
I put together a list of my top favorite 80’s stylings in movies that I appreciate a ton.

Cyndi Lauper in Vibes [1988]

Cyndi Lauper Vibes
Yes, a movies featuring both Cyndi and Jeff Goldblum exists, and it’s not exactly a very well known movie. As you probably expect, yes it’s a cheesy flick, but it’s fun. It involves psychics and lost temples. As you’d expect, Cyndi’s style also makes its way into the movie. It’s a little toned town compared to her known eccentric look, but her outfits are still super fun and very Cyndi.
The film itself didn’t get very high reviews, and while watching, you can probably see why. But Vibes is an entertaining watch and Cyndi is just precious. Her quirky personality stands out just as much as her wardrobe, and it’s hard to take your eyes off her. It’s honestly a real pleasant watch, especially when Cyndi is on the screen.

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Throwback Shoes

It’s always a sort of relief when you’re able to get rid of things. Clutter is a real problem, and nostalgia is a true instigator.

Before and after a move is a great time to rethink what you own, especially as you’re sifting through your things planning on how to pack and then unpack. When I was making my last move, I really dove deep into my closet. My wardrobe includes a lot of custom made things, which I usually reuse and upcycle anyway. I’m constantly reworking clothes. It’s really my shoes that collect, and especially the custom ones I don’t have it in me to throw out. Shoes I tend to hold on to. Which of course is a problem if I’m just collecting and piling shoes on top of each other.

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Pillow Talk

With everything that’s been happening lately, I’ve been trying to keep myself busy with art projects. I figured it’s what my aunt would have wanted and enjoyed seeing. She was always interested in seeing what I was capable of creating.

So with this recent project, let me start by saying this was supposed to go in a different direction.
My couch needs some fun stuff happening to it (a bigger project possibly involving patchwork is in the works). In the meantime I wanted simple and fun. I came across eye pillows that caught my eye 😉.

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Arte De Los Muertos

Day Of The Dead is here! I’ve always had an appreciation for this Mexican holiday, but what really drew me in was the traditional Mexican folk art and decorative sugar skulls.

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This To That // Faux Leather Knee Patch Pants

Faux Leather Knee Patch Jeans
I’ve been trying to stay on a roll with crafting and doing. I’ve also been trying to finish projects and ideas I came up with a while ago, because one of the worst things is letting unfinished projects pile up.

Over a year ago I came across some jeans with patches on the knees. I saw a variety with denim patches and faux leather patches on different colored pants. I really liked this, and figured it was a project I could take on myself. Plus it’s an easy DIY to jazz up some boring pants.

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This To That // Gwen Stefani Pants

Gwen Stefani Settle Down Pants

Let me take a quick second to tell you about one person that inspires me to no end. But you can probably already guess since her name is in the title. Yea, Gwen. I’ve already written about how much I love No Doubt, but I probably will mention it a lot more in the future. Fair warning here.

Anyway, as a lot of Gwen fans can probably share, she’s the reason why I started taking sewing seriously. I went from sewing clothes for my Barbies, to wristbands (I sewed a lot imitating Gwen’s arm accessories during the Rock Steady era), to sewing shirts for myself, and I can’t stop. I have been for years inspired by her cool style and she inspires me to try to be cool with my style. I don’t know if it’s working, but I do what I can.

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The Most Cake Type

Courtney Love Doll Parts Quote

Working on my typography game, I chose a quote this time around by the Hole song Doll Parts.
These are lyrics that I’m sure a lot of girls can relate to. Not only do I feel for it, but it’s also quite the visual quote which made it fun to work with.

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90’s Fashion In Films

I had just arrived home on Saturday from my three month long trip and am real excited to be back. While I prepare my photos for the upcoming posts that will be more in depth about my trip than what I was able to post while in Greece, I’ll post my weekly entertaining post today that I accidentally neglected the past couple of weeks.
So here we go.

The visual aspects of movies are something that is hard to ignore. I wouldn’t call myself fashion obsessive, but I appreciate fashion that is featured in films. Obviously eccentric styles are my favorites as I have shown here.

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Psycho Killin’ Type

Talking Heads Quote

I’ve been wanting to step up my typography game. I went to college for illustration, and 95% of my professors taught us to stay away from typography in our art. We were free to experiment with type if we wanted, but it wasn’t recommended. So most of us never did.

I love graphic design and typography and have always had a huge interest in fonts, but I also enjoyed learning about illustration and how to further enhance my skills so I went to school for that. There was a weird superiority competitive aura between the fine art students, illustration students, and graphic design students, and for whatever reason the school found it wasn’t necessary for any of those three majors to interweave, we unfortunately weren’t given the option to learn more and experiment with fine arts or graphic design. I really wanted to learn more about type, and the one class we were required to take that “taught” typography was just crap, if I could be honest.

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