5 Ways To Be More Sustainable In 2020

I think it’s about time to take sustainability a little more seriously these days. New year, new goals and more action, right? I’m personally gonna try harder to not be lazy and be better about what I do and watch out for how it affects everybody and everything around me. And it could be something we can all do together.

Small steps make it easier to dip into the larger pool, so here some ideas as to where you can start to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly in 2020.

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Environmentally Friendly Menstrual Products

It’s easy to switch to reusable items like straws, bags, napkins, etc. But one thing that women have to deal with are menstrual products and which ones to use. Switching to reusable involves quite a bit of research and experimenting. But sometimes, once you make the switch, going back to disposable is sometimes no longer a wanted option. Ever switching to reusable discs, I can’t imagine myself switching back to disposable menstrual products.

The amount of waste you prevent by switching to reusable is pretty satisfying. Obviously every product here will have a life span, but they pay for themselves pretty damn quick, and most of these items are recyclable or biodegradable.

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Environmentally Friendly Replacements For Your Kitchen

For about two years, Sundays have been my meal prep day with my roommate. We’ve experimented with all sorts of meals for our work lunches, and most times than not, they’ve been successful. Of course we have some busy weekends where we have to rework our prepping schedule, but at the end of the day, we’ve learned more so that we feel lost during the week when we don’t have our lunch set for ourselves.

With that said, we spend a good chunk of time in the kitchen. With all this climate change talk happening, it dawned on me how much we waste on a daily basis. I’ve been taking baby steps here and there to incorporate reusable items in our home as best as I could. Of course, living with roommates, you can’t just tell them what to do. I give them the option to try out the reusable items I’m bringing into our home.
I’ve learned a lot. What works and what doesn’t, and I wanted to share my list of reusable kitchen items that I’ve tried and/or have been wanting to try!

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Nomad Mermaid — Upgrades

Guest post written by Victoria

My original Nomad Mermaid Mobile was put together on a really tight budget and all of my materials came from The Dollar Tree by the apartment I was ditching in order to live in my car. The windows got blocked out with windshield solar screens I cut to fit, my sleeping pad was four inches of foam I’d sewn together, and this was what I had to cook on:

My tuna can spirit burner cost me a total of $3 and a near brush with death when the blade I was using to cut the vent notches slipped and sliced my wrist too close for comfort to a vein. I decided to set a smaller can inside a bigger one to create a wind shield and it did the job well enough to boil water in the camp pot I got from my grandfather.

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