Last year I made the decision to really clean out a lot of my closet and, really, things in general. I got rid of loads of stuff. Every so often I had to made some hard decisions because I’m attached to everything I own.
When I was younger, I was way into collecting band t-shirts. I couldn’t stop. I had so much, but the thing is that I wore all of them so I didn’t feel right getting rid of any of them. So I had an excessive pile of band shirts.
Over the years, my wardrobe and style changed. I wore less and less of them and they just sat there taking up space in my closet. So I gathered all the shirts I couldn’t part ways with but didn’t wear anymore and set up some sewing projects for them. One idea was to making pillow cases out of them. I had the project set up but I didn’t execute it until recently. So I went for it making one pillow case to see how it would come out.
I gathered similar colored shirts. In this case I picked out my black and white ones. I took them apart, and compared measurements to a pillow case I already owned.
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