Last weekend, I took a crash course in riso printing. I like taking the occasional class, be it a crash course, or semester-long class. Besides learning something new, it gives me something to do and something to look forward to after a long day at work. Trying something new was also a goal for this year, so I’m feeling pretty accomplished so far.
There’s this local studio, actually a few blocks away from my job that offers classes and a membership in which you can use their facilities. My plan was to take the risograph class and hopefully after feeling comfortable enough to use it, I’d sign up for a membership.
So the risograph is a Japanese duplicator machine. It’s kinda living in the underground right now because there’s not much information about it out there. It’s intended for just making copies, not making art. But there’s something about it that gives artist a creative freedom to print in bulk. It’s not like your standard copy machine where it prints colors all at once. You have to manually take out the one ink drum and put in another one. It mimics a lot of qualities of screenprinting but it’s strictly for paper. You kinda should make sure you’re educated in the color wheel before taking on riso, especially when colors overlap. It’s pretty darn cool in that sense.
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