A Truly Fierce Entertainment List

These days may be looking bad, especially while the protests are still alive. But sometimes we need to shut off at the end of the day and this entertainment list has been helping me shut off until the next day in which I find myself getting up and ready to fight. ✊


Full Frontal With Samantha Bee
The first lady late night host has been on top of everything working with her diverse group of employees bringing to light issues happening in the country today. She’s covered the election and everything in between. She’s funny, and knows what’s up. Her episodes are split up all over Youtube making it easy to keep up with her and the extra web videos she posts in between episodes.

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Trump Protest Songs

As we know – it’s official. Trump is in and Obama is out. I just pictured Heidi Klum saying that. Any who, sad times are to come. I really do feel it.

So, it’s a thing we all know how art imitates and is influenced by real life. Musicians have always taken political stances and this time around is no different. There are so many songs dedicated to how people feel right now and so I gathered a list of some of those songs to make you feel like you’re not alone in this.

Seriously by This American Life, Sara Bareilles, and Leslie Odom, Jr.

Hallelujah Money by Gorillaz

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Basic Bitch Of The 90’s Karaoke List

So far I’ve made two karaoke lists, one of them being for the basic bitch in your life today, hah. I still feel so cruel writing that.

Anywho, if we jumped through a time warp and went out for a night of karaoke in the 90’s, what songs would be on your karaoke list? While brainstorming this list with Gabby, I had the VH1 tv show Hindsight in mind. The show took place in the 90’s and had quite an awesome playlist. I tried to channel that 90’s feel while thinking of songs for the basic bitch of the 90’s. And this is the karaoke list we came up with.

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Guide To Living The Mermaid Life

Sounds kinda full of myself to assume that I know what it’s like to be a mermaid. BUT if I wanted to live the mermaid life, I would be all about things that revolve around scales, glitter, gold, pastel, and elegance. Keeping that in mind, I compiled a list of things that I felt represent mermaids and captures the elegant feeling we all think of when we think of these classy sea gals.

So if you want to live the modern mermaid life, here are materialistic things for you to consider having!

01. Mermaid Shampoo & Conditioner – From reviews I’ve read all over the ‘net, this company has managed to capture exactly what mermaid hair smell like. I have the Shine Spray and it’s the best thing I could have purchased for my hair to shine while smelling uh-mazing.

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Rebel Grrrls In Movies

2017 is here which I predict will be an important year for women and our voices. A lot happened last year which encouraged women to not sit down and stay quiet anymore. The times have changed too much for us to revert.

We’re all patiently waiting for January 20th to see how much is necessary for us all to speak up and defend our rights. There have been so many important historical women in history who would turn in their graves if they saw the state of our country today, and in their honor and our freedom, we need to stand up for women’s rights (as well as everyone who will be affected by the Trump presidency).

In a sea full of badass movie characters doing their thing, there are a smaller group of women who kick even more ass and take names. Here’s a tiny list of movies that feature inspiring women who don’t take any crap from anyone.

01. Savage Streets [1984]

The Linda Blair we know and love from The Exorcist plays a tough gal taking action to set out and get revenge for her family and friends affected by this violent gang in her city. She single handedly handles them in the way they deserve, and she really gives justice to bad ass chicks with street smarts.

What I learned: it isn’t such a bad idea to balance both book smarts and street smarts. Don’t be afraid to be tough.

02. The Craft [1996]

Put aside the magic aspect of the movie for a second. This movie was a great ode to misfits featuring a quartet with a powerful take on life, acknowledging their fears and bonding with each other showing their vulnerability. They shared their vulnerabilities and worked with each other to make themselves the best they could be. We all know the magic bit got out of hand at some point, but they were able to do something a lot of people don’t have the guts to do. They sought out ways to make themselves better people, and didn’t let anyone else put them down in the midst of it all. Despite the ending, they did okay.

What I learned: Do what you need to do to make yourself a better person without harming anyone else and ignore those who put you down. And maybe don’t mess with magic.

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A Truly Nasty Entertainment List

I’ve had the word nasty on my mind a bit too much lately. Thanks, Trump!
I composed a list of things I’ve been into that could be more on the nasty side than innocent. Lots of things I’d consider goodies here!


Ash VS Evil Dead
An awesome revival of the hit cult horror movie series Evil Dead. After tuning in last year to the series premiere on Halloween night, I was immediately hooked. The gore and dialogue has such a cheesy feel, but it’s more of a modern spoof on the old movie series. I recommend this so much if you don’t mind some gore and guts. Bruce Campbell is such a hunk 😛 The cast is great, and Lucy Lawless is my badass homegirl. I’ve become addicted to this show.

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Pop Words // Nasty

Since the third presidential debate where Trump shared his infamous wisdom about bad hombres and Hillary being a nasty woman, the internet exploded with all things supporting nasty women. It for sure sparked a feminism movement. I’m personally kinda secretly thankful Donald Trump ran for president because it brought to light a lot of issues we have in our country and a good chunk of the country recognizes how much work we have to do to fix these misogynist, racist, and homophobic problems.

01. But back to nasty women, immediately after the debate women everywhere got to work making shirts, pins, patches, and art expressing how much of nasty women they are. Because, you know, nasty women get things done. It’s a true statement.

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Movies That May Predict The Trump Presidency

So, the unthinkable has happened and we’re all shocked. Shocked and kinda terrified. It’s still sinking in, honestly. Just thinking about how the positive changes we made as a country will now be undone, and according to the way our country voted, clearly people like the idea of going backwards instead of forward.

As it’s been discussed in the media – when was America ever really all that great? I’d like to think within the last eight years it’s been only getting better, but now we reached a grinding halt and people are okay with reverting back to the way it was: when women couldn’t vote, slaves were in existence – basically when the white men ruled this country is when it was great. That’s what Americans voted for. People want that back.

Well America, guess what? So much has changed for us to go back to that world. People are not afraid to voice their opinions and no way will the minority sit quiet and take this. We’re going to see a revolution. There’s no way we won’t. The extent of this revolution? I guess we’ll find out, but there’s no way that the next four years will be a quiet period where “miracles” will happen to make this country “great again”.
There’s going to be protests, riots, movements, you name it. It will happen.

The entertainment industry has made plenty of movies featuring the future of the world, alternate realities, parallel universes, etc. Most of the time, the world made it out okay. Let’s hope we do too.

So I put together a list of movies that may possibly predict what the Trump presidency may be like. Because lists can sometimes get the point across. And I’m not gonna hold back.

01. Super Mario Bros. [1993]
The world splitting with a parallel dimension featuring a dictator who refers to himself as King with his people either turning to human/dino morphs or devolving to fungus – could this be foreshadowing? It’s just uncanny how much Trump resembles King Koopa in this film, and his personality is not that far off. Maybe if things get rough, we can turn him to fungus or something.

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Some Witchy Movies

I know Halloween is now over, but we all still have a little bit of that spooky spirit leftover, right? Or is it just me? Holidays come and go so quick, but the spirit tends to linger for a few days after they’re gone. It’s a little hard to get over Halloween so quickly.

Well, while there’s still some of that spirit left, I put together another list of my top witch movies to share with y’all that are entertaining and not that scary. That is if you’re still into the spirit.

01. Practical Magic [1998]
A light hearted love tale featuring amazing top names we all know and love. There’s no element of scary in this, but it’s all about casting spells and learning to deal with the family curse when it comes to love. It’s a deep love story. Love and witches. Seems to be a typical witch movie.

02. Hocus Pocus [1993]
The top classic witch movie we all know and love, Hocus Pocus features a plot, fashion, set, and overall mood that will never be dated. Something about this movie is so fascinating that it has stuck with viewers since the day it came out, and it’s having a renaissance in the more recent years. This is the classic Halloween movie when people think of witches. Bam.

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Pop Words // Banana

I like making lists, I think that’s pretty apparent by now. I especially love making themed ones, and my top favorite theme is pop culture. Here is an example.
I gathered references pop culture mainstream moments of when the word banana came into play.

01. An obvious use of banana was from my all time favorite person, Gwen Stefani. She brought our attention to bananas though the drum line song we all know and can’t get enough of. But I figured it was too obvious to add this song into the list, so here’s a video where Gwen schools Stephen Colbert about bananas.

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