(I just love this picture for some reason. Sorry Gabby!)
With my birthday recently passing, I can’t help but take a step back and look at my life leading up to this point. And there are some thoughts I need to share. I channeled my bitter 13 year old self to help me write this.
Graduating college for sure is much harder than graduating public school, which is why people tell you to stay in school for as long as you can. I can understand that now. Adult life sucks. Especially when you’re in a rut not feeling too much like an adult. I’m still on my path to discovery. This “identity crisis” brings back memories from when I was in my teenage years when I tried to find my “identity” the first time around. I keep reliving those feelings. I really do feel like I’m 13 again.
I have a lot of time on my hands these days, and I can’t help but look back and reevaluate the decisions I made, and what I did that made me… me.
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