What I Learned After Constantly Revamping My Resume
Mostly after high school comes the task of putting yourself under a serious light by gathering your professional life and putting it on paper. It’s kinda stressful in the beginning when it feels like you don’t have much to share, but let me tell you, it continues to be stressful. I can’t tell you how many iterations of my resume I’ve had. Starting off in a word document, overdoing it in illustrator, trying to tone down but having to increase the font size to make it seem like a full page of experience, and then being told that it’s too busy and bright. Just like, ups and downs and revisions and color and no colors and minimal colors and adding more and subtracting unnecessary info, etc. I’ve been through all the changes, and I guess writing it down in list form is something I want to do to share what I’ve experimented with and what I’ve learned.
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